import wixLocation from 'wix-location'; import { session } from 'wix-storage'; $w.onReady(function () { let path = wixLocation.path let sBreadtrail = session.getItem('breadtrail') if (sBreadtrail !== null) { let aBreadtrail = JSON.parse(sBreadtrail); aBreadtrail.push(path); sBreadtrail = JSON.stringify(aBreadtrail); } else { sBreadtrail = JSON.stringify([path]); } session.setItem('breadtrail', sBreadtrail); });
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Welcome to D’AIR
Vaughan's Best Dance Classes & Studio!

Young Ballerinas

2024/25 SEASON
REGISTER NOW! Spots are limiteD.


The dance studio where passions come to life

With determination and a hard work ethic, our students are instilled with valuable life lessons that will be carried into their future. In a safe learning environment, students will experience personal growth while embracing an escape into a cultured world of art that enhances their creativity and personal growth on spiritual, physical and emotional level.

Accompanied with a profound experience in pre-professional training, D’Air Dance Collective provides a positive atmosphere where students not only gain unforgettable memories, but also benefit from creating professional relationships with established teachers.

D'Air Dance Collective is a second family, a place were your child will develop life long 
friendships, and gain the confidence they will take into their professional careers.




Initially, I signed my two girls up for dance summer camp to give me some time to get used to my new born; however another relationship was born and we have become a part of a dance family. My two older girls love to dance and they feel as if D'Air Dance Collective is their second home. The environment is very welcoming and it offers my girls a outlet to express themselves, while in the same note they are exercising and de-stressing. I find my girls are happier now that they dance, they put on dances while at home and they are more confident.


We did send our children to another studio before this one, but the feeling wasn't the same; we were a number and a person who made a payment every month. I am so happy to have stumbled upon the dance camp and that I listened to my friend who referred me to D'Air Dance Collective.


-Jackie Isoufi




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